Failure of Cohesive Granular Columns: Friction and Contact Adhesion

  • STARON, LYDIE (CNRS - Sorbonne Université)
  • LAGREE, PIERRE-YVES (CNRS - Sorbonne Université)

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This contribution focuses on the influence of the existence of a debonding length onto the behaviour of a cohesive granular sample. We apply a contact dynamics algorithm to study the effect of both contact adhesion strength and debonding length on the failure of a cohesive step, analysing a set of independent simulations. Contact adhesion strength coincides with stronger pile stability and larger apparent friction in the absence of any debonding length. We show that the existence of a larger debonding length amplifies this phenomenology. At large adhesion strength, we observe the existence of a sharp modification of the behaviour of the system even in the case of a very small debounding length, compared to the case of the absence of the latter. We compare the performance of the algorithm in the different cases, and show how in- creasing the debonding length leads to a better precision of the hard-core approximation.